Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400

Finding your comfort zone

A note from our president on January 13, 2023

Praise God for grand blessings this week. His grace and goodness continue to leave me shaking my head as opportunities seem to pour through the air vents. If you ever hear boasting coming from these lips, feel free to kick me where the sun doesn’t shine. This is His deal and has been from day one.

Like most of my friends, and colleagues who own their own industrial companies, we had an outstanding 2022. We nearly tripled our sales and enjoyed the fruits that come with that as a company and growing business. Just a few days ago, one of my mentors and great friends asked the question regarding how much growth would we like to see in 2023. A good business owner might say never stop growing. But I have learned that this mentality and the drive to support it, opens the possibility of abandoning the mission and the reason you started the business in the first place.

Big business usually means big taxes, and big taxes mean big spending to suppress those burdens. Big spending opens the door wide for self-adoration. I often hold personal accountability sessions in the mirror every morning. Are we generous because we love people or is there another motivator? Are we making purchases because it’s healthy for the stability of the business or are the eyes bigger than the stomach and have we deemed a need for the filet mignon of our society? The question today is what amount actually glorifies the Lord? It doesn’t really matter if the numbers report three times more or three times less. If the number does not point to the Cross, we might as well be bankrupt. Jesus Christ has revealed more than once just how full the twelve baskets of leftovers really are and where my place is on the buffet line. I am the manager only and with my eyes vertical, and the mission of washing feet at play, it is His accounting that makes sense and is worth the surrender of all selfish desires and the energy required to support them.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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