Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400
  • 15 August 2023

A note from our president on August 15

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10 (NIV)

  • 07 August 2023

A note from our president on August 7

Praise God for daily bread that comes in all shapes, sizes and forms. Looking back at just where the road has taken us, His faithfulness can be seen in every...

  • 20 July 2023

A note from our president on July 20

“Martha was distracted by all of the preparations that had to be made…” Luke 10:38-41

  • 04 July 2023

A note from our president on July 14

Praise God for one more week of goodness I don’t deserve. Standing in front of the mirror reveals another day of understanding just how far my feet are planted from...

  • 04 July 2023

A note from our president on July 4

Business ownership lesson #197

  • 30 June 2023

A note from our president on June 30, 2023

Praise God for the crazy amount of business that rolled in the door last week. Praise Him for the catalyst it is for my soul and for every crevice of...

  • 16 June 2023

A note from our president on June 16, 2023

“He is like a tree, planted by the water, sending its roots to the stream and not afraid of the heat…” Jeremiah 17:7-8

  • 09 June 2023

A note from our president on June 9, 2023

“Love the Lord your God, with all of your heart, all your soul and all of your mind. The second is like it: to love your neighbor as yourself. All...

  • 05 June 2023

A note from our president on June 6, 2023

We are just a few hours out from celebrating our 4th anniversary. The venue is booked, invitations have been sent and as of our last headcount, standing room only appears...

  • 19 May 2023

A note from our president on May 19, 2023

Praise God for churns full of milk and honey. Every day in the evenings before my drive home, I find it necessary to walk through the office and touch each...