‘Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ Mathew 20:28
Recently I’ve had conversations with people who feel life has cheated them. The feeling of not getting what they want is all too real. I, myself, at times have felt the same way. I don’t get what I think I need, internalize it and pretty soon it’s a pity party with plenty of cake.
Jesus did not die on the cross nor walk this earth so that this life could be about us. Spreading the Gospel and washing feet is the mission. The sooner I understand this the less I will walk away from circumstances feeling frustrated and exhausted.
Jesus says no greater love is this than one who lays down his life for another. The word love in the Bible is mentioned several hundred times. It’s obvious what Jesus wants us to do. Parenting, friendships, work relationships, interactions with grocery store workers and Entergy workers, sibling rivalries, etc, no one area is immune. This life is not about me serving me.
Be Encouraged brothers and sisters. Jesus washed the feet of sinners and still does it for you and me today. When we do it God’s way our batteries will miraculously be recharged and anything less than serving others will feel out of place.
Bettis over Kitz