Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400
A note from our president on Tuesday, November 3, 2020

‘Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the Lord our God’ Psalm 20:7

I don’t know about you but as change and concern loom on the horizon, in the wake of tonight’s decision, I find myself proactively looking for ways to capitalize on whatever policy(s) is coming through door number one.

I don’t think planning is a bad thing. I think it is wise to use discernment and wise to use the knowledge and the brain the good Lord has given. However, trusting in my own resources and my own power is arrogant and another story.

David could not save himself and he knew it. When he would boast he would do so in the name of the Lord and not in the false security of his chariots and horses as others would do. Horses and chariots are gifts given by the Creator and intended for us to ride, not worship. Oh, how often does the face in the mirror resemble the ‘others.’

Concerned about the economy? Concerned about the oil industry? Hiding behind a mask? Who am I trusting in for the victory? Am I boasting in my weakness, like Paul, knowing my Sovereign is strong and all of this lies under His feet?

Be encouraged brothers and sisters. Chariots lose their shine and horses grow lame. Our God never changes, never dulls in color, never grows weak, never stops pursuing, never stops providing, never stops protecting, never stops leading and never forsakes us.

Sight glass

Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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