Serving the Gulf Coast 1-844-388-9400
A note from our president on Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Praise God for this beautiful 12’ Wedgeplug repair we were trusted to execute for one of our made-of-gold customers. Because of our God-given relationships this repair was delivered two weeks earlier than forecasted and well under the price point of our competitors.

In the case of this brand we are a rep for parts and new equipment. We have the freedom to use one of the many authorized service arms across the greater 50. Having the ability to shop different repair centers helps us keep the price in check and keep our commitments solid with what we can deliver and when.

I am very thankful for another outstanding job performed near flawlessly equipping our great customer for the win.

Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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