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Praise the Lord for the end of a successful week, a three-day jaunt of reprieve in between and the ability to stare another 5 days of life's great classroom, in the face

A note from our president on September 03

Praise the Lord for the end of a successful week, a three-day jaunt of reprieve in between and the ability to stare another 5 days of life’s great classroom, in the face. Praise God Jehovah for His use of resistance and delay in my game of 20-questions, and the knowledge procured in the middle. The detainment causes me to stop and process how much higher are His ways than mine, and a sour change in that once insatiable appetite, is ushered in as the mere thought of gaining another fill-in-the-blank, turns cold.

As thankful as I am for the current season receding and advancing in and out of the essential, I will stand forever humbled and broken by God’s use of His generous resources. His endless provision of quail raining down the face of a blue-bird sky teaches me that the gold I so often strive to obtain is effortless, so much so that it remains second-rate road pavement in the Kingdom of Heaven. His eternal use of time leaves me nostalgic for home as another one of earth’s treasures becomes infested with moth and rust. His perpetual kindness is contagious and His unfaltering love is everlasting. His infinite peace extends beyond the perimeter of anything I can ever comprehend and His uninterrupted forgiveness reminds me of how conveniently close my feet are to the base of Calvary every time evil says otherwise. Jesus Christ alone is enough and worthy of all praise, and anything I could possibly earn without Him is worthless.

If I gain anything from this journey of business ownership and life in general, that in itself will be worth it.

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Trey Assunto


Trey Assunto

President of War Horse Industrial with 22 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry of the Gulf Coast.
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